
SPECIAL CALL FOR PAPERS: Framing the postdigital childhood. From families practises and knowledge to the educational response

June 11, 2024

Editors – Juliana E. Raffaghelli, Emilia Restiglian, Marco Scarcelli
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology University of Padua
contact: juliana.raffaghelli, emilia.restiglian, marco.scarcelli [at]

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The portrait of an open space (in the complexity)

June 10, 2024

Edited by Emanuela Morelli, Jordi Bellmunt, Marco Cillis

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Rethinking tourism work: bridging gaps, making connections and exploring new frontiers

April 4, 2024

Open Call for Papers 2024: VOLUME 14 N. 28
Guest Editors:
Francesco Iannuzzi, University Ca Foscari Venezia

Marco Marrone, University of Salento

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How to intrigue and captivate your audience: the importance of the Title in your academic article

April 1, 2024

‘Headlines twice the size of the events’

John Galsworthy

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New Call for Papers by Quaderni Culturali

February 29, 2024

The Cultural Secretariat of the IILA – International Italo-Latin American Organisation, opens the call for participation in the 6th issue of the journal “Quaderni Culturali IILA” – 2024.

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Continuità e discontinuità nella digitalizzazione del lavoro, delle organizzazioni e dei mercati

February 27, 2024

A cura di:
Davide Arcidiacono, Università di Catania
Attila Bruni, Università di Trento
Laura Sartori, Università di Bologna

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Diversità e differenze / On diversity and differences

February 16, 2024

Thematic call 02| 2024

Edited by Anna Lambertini & Maria Gabriella Trovato

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Crafting SEO-friendly titles

February 12, 2024

In the realm of writing, it’s essential for authors to ensure their work garners the attention it deserves by reaching a broad audience and generating significant engagement, whether through views, downloads, citations, or shares.

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Premio Lorenzo Bargellini

December 19, 2023

Bando di partecipazione V edizione 2023

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Editorial Evolutions: the publication of scientific research between innovation and evaluation

December 5, 2023

The publication of scientific research between innovation and evaluation “A Comparative Analysis of Florence University Press and USiena Press”

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2023: another good year for FUP Journals

November 24, 2023

It has been a very successful year for FUP Journals, with several remarkable achievements that enhanced their standing and their capacity to communicate knowledge and ideas to researchers.

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Congratulations! Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (QOE-IJES) was accepted for Scopus!

November 23, 2023

We are pleased to announce that Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (QOE-IJES) was accepted for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB)

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Firenze University Press is proud to announce 7 New Journals Coming in 2024

November 4, 2023

The publishing landscape is constantly evolving and so are FUP JOURNALS catalog. Each year, Firenze University Press introduces new publications to address growing areas of research that transform our lives. These new publications provide important new opportunities to enable researchers around the world to share their latest research in different fields

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three person at a conference

REA Best Paper 2022 Announcement

October 10, 2023

We are delighted to award the REA BEST PAPER 2022 to Myriam Ruberto, Giacomo Branca, Stefania Troiano and Raffaella Zucaro for “The economic value of ecosystem services of irrigation: a choice experiment for the monetary evaluation of irrigation canals and fontanili in Lombardy”

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2022 Impact Factors Release for FUP Journals

July 7, 2023

The 2022 citation metrics have been released by Clarivate in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), and we’re proud to announce that 16 FUP journals has been awarded their first Impact Factor (IF). The journals are: […]

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International Day of Plant Health – May 12, 2023

May 12, 2023

The United Nations has declared 12 May International Day of Plant Health (IDPH). In this context, we all need to raise awareness on how protecting plant health can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment and promote economic development.

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Launch of the Special Issue Co-evolution

April 12, 2023

Ri-Vista. Research for landscape architecture

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FUP Journals Upgraded to OJS 3.3

March 28, 2023

Our Journals have recently been upgraded to OJS 3.3, a stable and up-to-date release of our collaborative and open source editorial system.

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Firenze University Press Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Programme

October 27, 2022

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Programme

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REA Best Paper 2021 Announcement

October 10, 2022

We are delighted to award the REA BEST PAPER 2021 to Francesco Basset and Francesca Giarè for “The sustainability of social farming: a study through the Social Return on Investment methodology (SROI)”

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VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Associate editor of Bio-Based and Applied Economics (BAE)

April 5, 2022


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How to write an effective, eye-catching abstract for your article

March 17, 2022

If you are in the jungle of academic publishing you know for sure that the way you write your article’s abstract has a key role in ensuring a far-reaching visibility and a wide dissemination of your research.

In most cases the abstract is the only section that is read, determining if the full-text manuscript is worthy to be downloaded. Similarly, the quality of conference abstracts is the key parameter for the acceptability of a presentation, a talk, or a poster.

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Congratulations! Substantia was accepted for Scopus!

October 8, 2021

We are pleased to announce that Substantia was accepted for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB)

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Congratulations! Italian Review of Agricultural Economics has been accepted for Scopus!

July 23, 2021

We are pleased to announce that The Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA) has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB)

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Articolo scientifico: come scrivere un Abstract Efficace

February 17, 2021

Se siete nella “giungla” dell’editoria accademica da un po’, sapete che l’abstract di un articolo scientifico ha un ruolo fondamentale perché deve garantire visibilità, reperibilità e diffusione alla vostra ricerca.
L’abstract è l’anteprima del vostro articolo, è l’elevator pitch della vostra ricerca e in meno di un minuto determinerà se qualcuno leggerà o meno il vostro lavoro. Editor e reviewer potrebbero accettare o meno il vostro manoscritto in base alla qualità dell’abstract.

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Webinar: Covid Pandemic in an Unequal world

December 11, 2020

Comparative Cultural Studies has just published a wide reflection on the impact of the pandemic in different contexts from a political, sociological, anthropological point of view, through a comparison between European countries and the Latin American ones.

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XIX International Congress of AIFREF

November 10, 2020

The next edition (XIXth edition) of the International Congress of AIFREF (International Association for Training and Research in Family Education) whose President is Prof. Jean-Pierre Pourtois will be hosted in 2021 by the IUSVE University of Venice-Mestre and organized in collaboration with the Department of Educational Sciences “G. M.Bertin”, University of Bologna

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25th September: European Bioeconomy Strategy. A multidisciplinary conference

September 23, 2020

The role of the bio-based products as alternatives to fossil-fuel counterparts, and their importance in developing a sustainable economy based on renewable materials in Europe, has been recognized in the EU 2020 strategy and in the “Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe” strategy.

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A new course for QOE – Italian Journal of Electoral Studies

August 1, 2020

Welcome to the First Issue of the renewed QOE-Italian Journal of Electoral Studies

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Form@re Call for Papers – Artificial Intelligence and Education: New Research Perspectives

July 15, 2020

The most recent developments on Artificial Intelligence (AI) contributed to defining new systems for the collection and treatment of empirical data that interrogate educational research in an interdisciplinary way.
Nowadays, educational institutions are managing a massive production of data that feed new AI models based on contents and processes analysis in different fields. A first area concerns the growth of intelligent and highly personalized environments based on the use of learning analytics technologies that orientate towards increasingly inclusive educational contexts able to guarantee universal access to knowledge.

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MED Special Issue May 2021 – Cyberconnection as media culture. Social networking sites, media competence and citizenship

July 7, 2020

In this digital society where continuous technological change is taking place, social networking sites have emerged forcefully to fulfil an ancestral need of human beings, namely communicating and relating to others. However, these connections, amplified by technology, have meant that social media platforms not only favour contact between individuals, but also serve as a means for the dissemination of information, an environment for participation, profit-making and even for teaching and learning. In addition, one must consider the risks involved in continuous exposure with no geographical limits.

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Cambio: Call for Papers – Number 20/ December 2020

July 6, 2020

On 14 June 1920 Max Weber died in Munich, suffering from the Spanish flu pandemic that killed over fifty million people all over the world between 1918 and 1920. Thus ended, at the peak of his intellectual career, the scientific
work of one of the founding fathers of sociology, a scholar whose knowledge spanned a multitude of scientific fields: from law to economics, from history to philosophy, from theology to epistemology.

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Landscape Representation Skills

June 16, 2020

Representation is a powerful tool for landscape understanding and spreading. The new issue of Ri-Vista, in continuity with the previous two, intends to explore topics related to the European Landscape Convention during the year we celebrate its twentieth anniversary.

The theme of representation underlines two different levels of investigation that Landscape Representation Skills intends to explore. The first relates to the object itself, that is, the multiple forms, techniques, methods used for representation, therefore the iconographic language as an expressive tool. The second concerns interpretation, i.e. the mental models underlying the representation, which is also preparatory to the identification and evaluation of landscapes required by the Convention.

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Aesthetics in Times of Contagion

June 14, 2020

CALL FOR PAPERS: The present call for papers aims at gazing towards the hiatus between these new kinds of human interactions and the expectations linked to communicative habits. Consequently, it aims at catching the pandemic’s implications on communication, modes of intellectual transmission, art, proxemics and circulation of ideas.

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Opus Incertum: Illness, distancing/confinement, places of treatment

May 19, 2020

The problems of distancing and social confinement are as old as the awareness of the contagiousness of infectious disease. Quarantine and isolation are the most obvious answers to the problems of contagion and epidemics, and the spaces and structures for separating the sick, temporarily or permanently, have been built in all time periods. Leprosariums or lazarettes were not the only architectural solutions to this problem.

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Gender and the Coronavirus Crisis. In collaboration with Research Network 33

May 13, 2020

Lise Widding Isaksen, Norway
Elisabetta Ruspini, Italy 
Cambio (OpenLab on Covid-19) and ESA RN33 “Women’s and Gender Studies” welcome contributions (articles, blogs, reflections, commentary pieces) specifically focused on “Gender and the Coronavirus Crisis”. 

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Comparative Cultural Studies: The role of religions and religiosities against the new challenges of global risk societies: the case of Covid19

May 4, 2020

The journal of Comparative Cultural Studies: European and Latin American Perspectives opens the call for papers for 12/2021 monothematic issue, about religion and global risks: the case of covid19.
The problem of how to relate to, interpret and overcome some limit situations of existence, such as death and disease, represents an atavistic problem that many human beings have tried, and continue to try, to manage through religion. Peter Berger defined religion as a sacred canopy, precisely to refer to this ability that has to legitimize social reality, among other things integrating (attributing a meaning and, consequently, legitimizing) the critical moments of existence in a cosmos endowed with meaning.

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SocietàMutamentoPolitica (SMP): Sociological Imagination: Beyond the Lockdown

April 23, 2020

The Covid-19 Pandemia poses an unprecedented challenge to the social sciences. Through empirical and immediate speculation, ‘pandemic sociology’ goes beyond the narrow findings of common sense.

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Scienze del Territorio (SdT): From pandemic confinement new forms of living: a world of cooperating bioregions to overcome the global urbanization of the planet

April 20, 2020

The unfolding COVID-19 pandemic is having undeniable economic and human impacts. This pandemic is also a stark reminder of our dysfunctional relationship with territorial heritage. The current economic system has put great pressure on the natural environment and iut is no coincidence that the destruction of ecosystems has coincided with a sharp increase in diseases.

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Media Education: Media and education in the pandemic age of COVID-19

April 20, 2020

This call for papers has a wide scope of interest as it asks for interdisciplinary contributions on the impact of COVID-19 with a focus on the intersection point of media/technologies/education. We are interested in receiving both empirical research and theoretical/critical commentaries on the multifaceted implications of the pandemic exploring the following suggestions that are intended only as prompts and not as an exhaustive list:

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Cromohs – Contagion, a Podcast Series: Circulation and Pandemic Threats Throughout History

April 15, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic crisis forced all of us to re-organize our scientific activity. It impacts our social and academic life. It also invited historians and social scientists to share their work, to publicize their multiple insights on the current crisis, and to look at it into the light of different historical experiences. Contagion askes how individuals, groups, societies and states reacted to pandemics. Doing so it explores the economic, social, political, and cultural dimensions of pandemics as well as their impact on the evolution of societies. It is equally a matter of better understanding how the pandemic risk has been assessed, managed, and anticipated in ordinary times by communities and public actors.

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Journal of Early Modern Studies (JEMS): Plagues in Early Modern Europe: History, Models, Representations and Metaphors

April 14, 2020

Epidemics are usually conceived of as sudden, devastating events against which there is no defence. Other features common to all descriptions of epidemics include a sense of seclusion, loneliness and deprivation, an altered perception of the physical world and of its symbolic topography, changed attitudes to human relationships, relegation to oblivion of practices considered holy, such as the burial of the dead, the inability of scientists to find a remedy or a cause, the folly of those in public power and of their provisions, the invention and persecution of scapegoats, or of criminals supposed to spread the contagion, the moral degradation which accompanies the disease, etc.

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Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare (RIEF): Family relations and parenting in a time of Covid-19

April 7, 2020

The relationships we have with others mark our daily lives, throughout our entire cycle of life, giving it a particular meaning according to the contexts they take place in: namely, family, training, work, leisure, sport, etc. The spontaneity with which we live interhuman relationships makes us appear as a natural phenomenon: as a factor of balance for our life, even if in reality, they are subject to take on pathological forms, sometimes marked also by physical and psychological violence, even serious.

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Bio Based and Applied Economics (BAE): Economic aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic on bio-based sectors

April 6, 2020

The Editors of Bio Based and Applied Economics (BAE) are launching a special call for discussion papers on the Coronavirus to be authored, reviewed, and published as quickly as possible in the journal. As COVID-19 has rapidly spread quickly from China to other parts of the world, the economic impacts on bio-based industries, such as agriculture, forestry, fishery and food and related disciplines, have generated urgent need for new, relevant, interdisciplinary scientific discussion papers. BAE will provide a platform for publishing and distributing new high-quality articles to share information from researchers, scientists, policy-makers, and decision-makers.

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Diciottesimo Secolo: The health emergencies of the 18th century: political, social and cultural reflections

April 6, 2020

In human history, epidemics left a mark in every culture. Nevertheless there are societies that, at a first glance, seem to have suffered less than others the effects of the spread of pathogens, or even believed that they could finally eradicate or control infectious diseases, thanks to advances in medical and health knowledge.

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Comparative Cultural Studies: An Unequal World Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic

April 3, 2020

“Comparative Cultural Studies” opens up a wide reflection on the impact of the pandemic in different contexts from a political, sociological, anthropological point of view, through a comparison between European countries and the Latin American ones… Comparing the multiplicity of voices from both sides of the ocean will help identify some directions for the future, based on holistic and articulated analyses and not based on partial  solutions inspired by  procedures little supported by reliable data.

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Contesti: Beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. Rethinking cities and territories for a civilisation of care

April 2, 2020

History sometimes presents us with unexpected crossroads. Lying just below the surface of an apparent contingency, that are actually the result of long-term processes, which beyond the intentional actions having produced them, take shape suddenly, and mark a divide in our history. It is perhaps too early to say this with adequate certainty but the outbreak of COVID19 and its unfolding consequences so far seem to be representing one of these events.

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RI-Vista: Landscape and Covid-19

March 30, 2020

What should we not forget at the end of this emergency? In this moment of emergency while looking at the world with a different glance, we are called to reactive reflections and critics. The academic community is used to publish the outcomes of research after a long time spent collecting and processing information, but this time the call changes the rules. The aim is to edit considerations, however scientific, arising from an ongoing situation: something like a logbook, a storage of memories for an ordinary, hopefully not-so-far, tomorrow.

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Phytopathologia Mediterranea and Covid-19

March 28, 2020

Community Message:
The world COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us all. Those closely associated with Phytopathologia Mediterranea and Firenze University Press express our very best wishes to everyone in this challenging time. The plant pathology community stands in solidarity with medical staff and researchers, who are treating patients and searching for scientific solutions to this global medical threat. As researchers and citizens around the world we work together to slow the spread of COVID-19. People closely associated with the journal are working remotely.

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Cambio: Open Lab on Covid-19

March 28, 2020

The current circumstances that we are experiencing, with the massive spreading of Covid-19 from the Far East to Europe, to the US and to the rest of the world, motivate us to promote a special issue of Cambio dedicated to theoretical question of return to social life, and empirical study of its contemporary configurations in the actual pandemic situation.

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Substantia: Open Stream on the Covid-19 Emergency

March 28, 2020

In response the current circumstances that we are experiencing, with the massive spreading of Covid-19 from the Far East to Europe, to the US and to the rest of the world, “Substantia. An International Journal of the History of Chemistry” contributes to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and real scientific facts with an Open Stream dedicated to the coronavirus epidemic that is ravaging our societies.

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Caryologia in first line against the COVID-19

March 25, 2020

Community Message:
Despite the suspension of most activities by the italian universities, Caryologia proceeds its activity in full, thanks to homeworking and telematic connections. The editorial staff is already beginning the second volume of 2020. Some patience may be needed due to possible difficulties by reviewers involved in COVID-19 emergency.

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Form@re: Research and practices to learn how to reach a sustainable and healthy economic and social recovery post Covid-19

March 25, 2020

Form@re Journal wants to provide its own tools and organisation in order to collect in one Dossier the existing know-how on Covid-19 management. We propose Researchers to produce a Dossier where they can collect all kinds of contributions dealing with the Covid-19 management from different perspectives and disciplines

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Studi Slavistici and Covid-19

March 24, 2020

Community Message:
The global COVID-19 (corona virus) pandemic is deeply changing our daily lives and our understanding of the world. The editorial board and the publisher of «Studi Slavistici» express their solidarity with anyone who may be affected by the virus. Our deepest gratitude goes to all the health care workers — doctors, nurses, technicians, medical staff, administrators – taking care of those affected by the pandemic and to the researchers working under challenging conditions to bring this outbreak to a close.

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Tackling COVID-19. FUP Journals contribution to the global effort against the pandemic

March 23, 2020

Facing the global challenge of the Covid-19 epidemic we strongly believe that we all have a commitment, each in her/his own environment. And this includes our journals.

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Affrontare il COVID-19. Le riviste della Firenze University Press (FUP) provano a contribuire allo sforzo globale

March 23, 2020

Di fronte alla sfida dell’epidemia di Covid-19, crediamo fermamente che tutti noi abbiamo un impegno, il dovere di fare la nostra parte, ciascuno nel proprio ambito. E questo riguarda anche le nostre riviste.

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Montessori rivista di storia dell'educazione

Maria Montessori, her times and our years. History, vitality and perspectives of an innovative pedagogy

March 23, 2020

This call aims to propose a critical and historical reflection on the many variables that feature the practical and theoretical achievements of Maria Montessori’s Pedagogy and Movement from the end of the XIX century to our years, by highlighting the human, professional and cultural relations between her, her thought and some significant institutions, educators and thinkers in Italy and in foreign Countries.Maria Montessori, her theories, her method and her schools have always been at the center of a broad debate that involves both educational elements, and historical, cultural or political aspects.

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(As)saggi di OpenScience. [for the time being suspended]

March 5, 2020

Social Sciences Library organizes communication events focusing on Open Science and related topics. It is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access and to help inspire wider participation to the publication and dissemination processes.

….this, while sipping a cup of coffee

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New journal: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography (Webbia)

March 4, 2020

The Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography is a peer-reviewed journal on Plant Systematics, Nomenclature, Phylogeny, Phytogeography and Paleobotany

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BAE Editors Vacancy Announcement

January 20, 2020

The Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA) is seeking to appoint a new Editor in chief for Bio-Based and Applied Economics (BAE) and two Associate Editors for the period July 2020-June 2024.

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New International FUP Journals

November 30, 2019

We are pleased to announce the new journals that will be published by FUP in 2020

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The Periodic Table: our Legacy for Current Challenges (IYPT 2019)

November 21, 2019

2019 has been proclaimed by UNESCO as the “International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT 2019)”, marking the 150th anniversary since the discovery of Mendeleev’s periodic table.

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Sguardo territorialista di Leonardo

November 11, 2019

Il cartografo, l’ingegnere idraulico, il progettista di città e territori

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16th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union

October 31, 2019

16th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union
23rd – 27th March, 2020
Limassol, Cyprus

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We changed our websites

October 28, 2019

In an effort to keep up with the changing trends of digital scholarly communication and to better serve our audience, we have changed the websites themes of our open access journals.
Please visit our journals here:

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Open Access Week 2019

October 28, 2019

In support of Open Access Week 2019, we are discussing how we are engaging with open science and addressing the themes of access, transparency and inclusivity.  

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Seminario: Fare e comunicare sociologia: il ruolo delle riviste

September 4, 2019

Il Seminario, organizzato dal Coordinamento delle riviste di Sociologia (CRIS) intende discutere del ruolo delle riviste di sociologia, e più generalmente della pubblicistica italiana, nel particolare periodo storico in cui i tanti cambiamenti, dapprima nell’offerta formativa […]

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Peer Review Week 2019: Quality in Peer Review

August 30, 2019

What is Peer Review Week? Peer Review Week is an annual global event celebrating the critical role peer review plays in academic publishing. Every year, during this event, researchers and scholarly publishing professionals across the […]

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SUBSTANTIA Award for a Young Scientist

July 25, 2019

ECIS and the Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence agreed upon the creation of the ECIS-Substantia Award for a Young Scientist to acknowledge the top level scientific activity of young researchers in the field […]

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2018 Impact Factor Released for Phytopathologia Mediterranea – 1.974

July 25, 2019

We are pleased to inform you that the new Impact Factor of Phytopathologia Mediterranea has been released. According to the Journal Citation Reports®, published by Clarivate Analytics in June 2019, the new Impact Factor of […]

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2019 Impact Factor released for Italian Journal of Agrometeorology – 1.182

July 13, 2019

According to the newly released 2020 Journal Citation Report, the Italian Journal of Agrometeorology has achieved a 2019 Impact Factor of 1,182 up from last year.

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2018 Impact Factor Released for Caryologia – 1.174

May 28, 2019

We are pleased to inform you that the new Impact Factor of Caryologia has been released.

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