Fup Journals List

Firenze University Press publishes 65 Open Access Academic Journals which have a strong impact on the academic community, covering a broad range of topics.

Known for rigorous, fair peer review and fast publication times, each of our journals is published in open access to help ensure the widest possible dissemination for research. The journals are editorially independent, supported by an Editorial Board with specialist expertise in the subject area.

Journal Proposal

As an open access pioneer and innovative publisher, FUP is always interested in exploring new opportunities for collaboration, including the launch of new journals and the transfer of existing journals. Researchers interested in submitting a proposal for a new journal for consideration, or interested in having their journal published by FUP, can contact us here

Open Access Journals (A – Z)

  1. Acta Herpetologica
  2. Advances in Horticultural Science
  3. Aestimum
  4. Annali di Storia di Firenze
  5. Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia
  6. AsiAna. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures
  7. Bio-based and Applied Economics
  8. Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana
  9. Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali
  10. Caryologia
  11. Contesti. Città, territori, progetti
  12. Cromohs
  13. Diciottesimo Secolo. International Journal of Italian Society of Studies on the Eighteenth Century (SISSD)
  14. Drammaturgia
  15. Fashion Highlight
  16. Firenze Architettura
  17. Form@re – Open Journal per la formazione in rete
  18. Il Colle di Galileo
  19. Infermieristica Journal
  20. Italia Forestale e Montana – Italian Journal of Forest and Mountain Environments
  21. Italian Journal of Agrometeorology
  22. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology
  23. Italian Journal of Educational Technology (IJET) 
  24. Italian Journal of Electoral Studies IJES
  25. JLIS.it – Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science
  26. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development (JAEID)
  27. Journal of Early Modern Studies
  28. Journal of Emerging Perspectives. Business, Society, Territories NEW!
  29. Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography (Webbia)
  30. Journal for the Philosophy of Mathematics NEW!
  31. La Nuova Giuridica
  32. LEA – Lingue e Letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente
  33. Media Education
  34. Musica/Tecnologia
  35. Opus Incertum
  36. Phytopathologia Mediterranea
  37. Prometheus
  38. Quaderni Culturali IILA
  39. QuLSO. Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali/Working Papers in Linguistics and Oriental Studies
  40. REA – Italian Review of Agricultural Economics
  41. Restauro Archeologico
  42. Reti Medievali – Rivista
  43. Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare
  44. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica
  45. Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione (RSE)
  46. Ri-Vista. Ricerche per la progettazione del paesaggio
  47. Scienze del Territorio
  48. SocietàMutamentoPolitica. Rivista Italiana di Sociologia
  49. Storia delle Donne
  50. Studi irlandesi. A Journal of Irish Studies
  51. Studi Slavistici
  52. Studi sulla Formazione
  53. Studies on Central Asia and the Caucasus NEW!
  54. Substantia. An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
  55. Techne. Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment
  56. Tribelon. Journal of Drawing and Representation of Architecture, Landscape and Environment  NEW!
  57. Wine Economics and Policy

Open Access Journals published by USIENA PRESS and Firenze University Press

  1. LA DIANA | Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Storico Artistici dell’Università di Siena
  2. L’Ospite Ingrato 

Upcoming Open Access Journals

  1. Oral Archive Journal
  2. Italian Journal of Applied Statistics
  3. Epale Journal on Adult Learning and Continuing Education
  4. Storia della critica d’arte. Annuario della S.I.S.C.A.
  5. Sociétés Politiques Comparées
  6. Another Now. Rivista Internazionale di Storia delle Idee

Open Access Journals transferred to other publishers

Ceased Open Access Journals

  • Macramè. Trame e ritagli dell’urbanistica
  • Medicina & Storia
  • Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia
  • Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate
  • EDA. Economia e Diritto Agroalimentare