
A new course for QOE – Italian Journal of Electoral Studies

August 1, 2020

Welcome to the First Issue of the renewed QOE-Italian Journal of Electoral Studies

As new Editors of the Journal Quaderni dell’Osservatorio elettorale (QOE) – Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (IJES), it is our pleasure to announce that the first issue (1/2020) is now published online.
We want to thank the Società Italiana di Studi Elettorali (SISE), its President Fulvio Venturino, and the SISE Scientific Committee for having appointed us as Editors; and the Regione Toscana for having supported this journal  since its founding, and for continuing doing it.
QOE-IJES is released in its new version, with an English title flanking the Italian one, a new lively publisher – Firenze University Press (FUP), new Editors and editorial committee, and a renewed international advisory board.

The publication frequency is six-monthly. After a rigorous double-blind peer-review, the papers will be published online-first as soon as they are accepted, and tagged with a DOI code (before technical editing, formatting for publication, and author proofing).

The journal is free of charge, both for authors (who retain the copyright) and for readers. The articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-4.0) terms.

A warm thank goes to those who supported and made all these changes possible.  Much work has still to be done. We will do our best to face the challenges ahead.
We want to wish QOE-IJES a positive future and to us all good work.
Paolo Bellucci and Silvia Bolgherini
Editors in Chief

Quaderni dell’Osservatorio elettorale (QOE) – Italian Journal of Electoral Studies IJES