Deadline 30 Jun 2021

Facciate parlanti [CLOSED]

Since antiquity buildings have carried inscriptions on their surface. In particular, the habit of decorating façades with epigraphs spread in early modern Europe in keeping with the all’antica revival. The 2022 issue of the journal Opvs Incertvm (Department of Architecture, University of Florence) aims to investigate the role of new and ancient inscriptions (i.e. spolia) in secular and religious architecture (ca. 15th-18th centuries) from an aesthetic, political, literary and artistic point of view.

CFP: Facciate parlanti

Opus incertum, 8 (2022)

Edited by Alessandro Brodini and Maddalena Spagnolo


Whether they were realized, or only projected in drawings, the “facciate parlanti” engaged in a close dialogue with public spaces and their audience. While the inscriptions could be in different languages and media (carved on stone, graffite or painted), they always retained a particular relationship with the building itself.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the relationship between inscriptions and the patron’s ambitions and culture, the role of literati, iconographical advisers and antiquari and the social and urban context of the building.

We welcome papers in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish. An abstract of 500 words ca., and a brief cv, preferably in English or Italian, can be sent to and

Deadline for proposals: 30 June 2021
Notification of acceptance: 30 July 2021

Deadline for the definitive text: 30 April 2022

Publication: before the end of 2022

Opus Incertum has a double-blind peer review

Download the Call for Paper (PDF ITA) (PDF ENG)