Deadline 31 Dec 2020

[Closed]MED Special Issue May 2021 – Cyberconnection as media culture. Social networking sites, media competence and citizenship

In this digital society where continuous technological change is taking place, social networking sites have emerged forcefully to fulfil an ancestral need of human beings, namely communicating and relating to others. However, these connections, amplified by technology, have meant that social media platforms not only favour contact between individuals, but also serve as a means for the dissemination of information, an environment for participation, profit-making and even for teaching and learning. In addition, one must consider the risks involved in continuous exposure with no geographical limits.

Therefore, this special issue intends to highlight the transformations that are taking place, both in the forms of communication as well as in participation and education, as a result of cyber-connection. It also aims to explain the implications of these scenarios and the necessary training in media competencies for citizen empowerment.


  1. Prosumers and influencers. The new citizens of the digital world.
  2. Social networking sites as educational scenarios.
  3. Citizen participation in a cyberconnected world.
  4. Media literacy in teacher training.
  5. Critical and responsible cyber-consumption in the age of digital capitalism. Towards a more engaged society.
  6. Alternative media for a new world.
  7. Social media and artificial intelligence.

Important Dates

December 31, 2020: Articles submission deadline

February 15, 2021: Notification of article acceptance

April 15, 2021: Final article due

May 31, 2021: Publication of the issue


Dr. Ignacio Aguaded and Dr. Águeda Delgado-Ponce, University of Huelva, Spain

Accepted languages for this call : English, Italian, Spanish