Therefore, this special issue intends to highlight the transformations that are taking place, both in the forms of communication as well as in participation and education, as a result of cyber-connection. It also aims to explain the implications of these scenarios and the necessary training in media competencies for citizen empowerment.
- Prosumers and influencers. The new citizens of the digital world.
- Social networking sites as educational scenarios.
- Citizen participation in a cyberconnected world.
- Media literacy in teacher training.
- Critical and responsible cyber-consumption in the age of digital capitalism. Towards a more engaged society.
- Alternative media for a new world.
- Social media and artificial intelligence.
Important Dates
December 31, 2020: Articles submission deadline
February 15, 2021: Notification of article acceptance
April 15, 2021: Final article due
May 31, 2021: Publication of the issue
Dr. Ignacio Aguaded and Dr. Águeda Delgado-Ponce, University of Huelva, Spain
Accepted languages for this call : English, Italian, Spanish