SMP SYMPOSIUM: The Covid-19 Pandemia poses an unprecedented challenge to the social sciences. Through empirical and immediate speculation, ‘pandemic sociology’ goes beyond the narrow findings of common sense.
The Covid-19 Pandemia poses an unprecedented challenge to the social sciences. Through empirical and immediate speculation, ‘pandemic sociology’ goes beyond the narrow findings of common sense. Sociological imagination is a kind of knowledge that combines forecast analysis and innovative planning with a critical awareness rooted in the tradition of democratic thought.
Imagining a new social world beyond lockdown means exposing and curbing the perverse effects of globalization contributing to a process of resilience to stimolate a new model of development.
The SMP Symposium aims to investigate the changes in social and political bonds during the lockdown, the new inequalities and involutional effects deriving from it, and the new social representations connected with the pandemic risk and its perception.