
Cambio: Open Lab on Covid-19

March 28, 2020

CALL FOR PAPERS: The current circumstances that we are experiencing, with the massive spreading of Covid-19 from the Far East to Europe, to the US and to the rest of the world, motivate us to promote a special issue of Cambio dedicated to theoretical question of return to social life, and empirical study of its contemporary configurations in the actual pandemic situation.



The current circumstances that we are experiencing, with the massive spreading of Covid-19 from the Far East to Europe, to the US and to the rest of the world, motivate us to promote a special issue of Cambio dedicated to theoretical question of return to social life, and empirical study of its contemporary configurations in the actual pandemic situation.

In order to:

  • Promote a space of confrontation within the social sciences and with other forms of knowledge
  • Reaffirm our views in terms of Open Access, Open Data, free circulation of ideas and results.
  • Oppose scientific knowledge to fake news.

Cambio intends to provide its own tools and organization in order to collect and share, in one ongoing Virtual Issue, contributions (in English or Italian) as articles, preprints, editorials, comments, reviews .

Concretely, our project is to publish on different subjects such as:

  • social/economic consequences of epidemics
  • social inequalities and power imbalances
  • persistence and changes in everyday life
  • science, communicating science
  • solidarity and social cohesion
  • new and old social conflicts
  • work (smart, dangerous, challenging)
  • globalization and health
  • care for the environment
  • emotions and feelings
  • local and global
  • interstate relations and relations between continents
  • communication and public space
  • practices and common sense
  • looking for safety
  • times and spaces
  • emergency and innovative teaching
  • politics and policies about the contemporary biological vulnerabilities
  • gender
  • aging and elderly
  • the life in quarantine of childhood and adolescent
  • sociability/loneliness
  • relevance of open data instant exchange for a fastmoving society
  • doing research and fieldwork in pandemic

As the situation changes very quickly, we will create an Open lab section of Cambio to speed up the publication. Please, use this section to submit your contributions on our website (

This project will be a work in progress for the entire duration of the Covid-19 emergency.


Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali