Deadline 28 Feb 2025

Special issue – Economic and policy analysis of technologies uptake for the smart management of agricultural systems

Guest editors: Davide Viaggi, Giulia Maesano, Davide Menozzi

The increasing pressure on agricultural systems, particularly on natural resources, requires urgent action to address environmental impacts, to increase competitiveness and to ensure sustainability of the farming system. Smart technologies in the agri-food sector offer promising opportunities for promoting more sustainable practices by maximizing agricultural and food production and managing environmental impacts. However, the adoption of these technologies is still below expectations. In this context, it is crucial to understand the motivations and barriers for the uptake of different technologies by different actors and investigating the contribution of policies, as well as their most suitable design.

This special issue aims to collect contributions on the economic analysis of different technologies and sustainable strategies for the smart management of agricultural systems and their impact on the environment, as well as on the related policy issues. In particular, complementary aspects of technology evaluation and deployment are sought: acceptance and adoption by farmers and other actors of the value chain; acceptance and willingness to pay of consumers for the relative products; cost-benefit analysis; multi-criteria assessment; policy and economic implications of LCA (life cycle analysis); policy issues and governance solutions. Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches involving economic components are also encouraged.

Authors are invited to inform the guest editors of their intention to contribute by sending title, authors and abstract via email as soon as possible to the guest editor Davide Menozzi (

The deadline for submission is February 28th, 2025. Submissions will be considered for publication after passing the journal’s standard review procedure. Accepted papers will be published online as just accepted (

Manuscript should be submitted using the standard procedures and guidelines (available here: When submitting, please specify that your manuscript is proposed for the “Special Issue Economic and policy analysis of smart agricultural systems” during the submission phase.