Deadline 30 Nov 2022

New pathways for an improved delivery of public goods from agriculture and forestry

Guest Editors: Lena Schaller (BOKU, Austria); Stefano Targetti (University of Bologna, Italy); Andreas Niedermayr (BOKU, Austria); Kati Häfner (ZALF, Germany)

The ongoing decline in the provision of Agri-Environmental-Climate Public Goods (AECPG) in many European agricultural and forestry ecosystems and the growing societal concerns about ecological issues encompasses the need for improving the environmental effectiveness in particular of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The EU’s Green Deal and the Farm to Fork initiative are part of the EU’s strategy to respond to the changing societal demands. In these documents, emerge the relevance of the agricultural sector for the provision of a multitude of AECPGs such as biodiversity, climate change mitigation, water and soil protection, etc. In order to achieve real change, besides rethinking and strengthening actions set by the Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES), the attention towards new, more effective and efficient instruments is rising. The attention is currently focusing on result-based and value chain-based solutions, as well as on approaches fostering collective implementation. In addition, land tenure contracts with environmental requirements are in the focus of interest. Even though promising, all these tools entail a number of challenges for their successful implementation, such as acceptance and enablement of the farmers, knowledge and training needs, equity/fairness, and compatibility with the business.

In this special issue, we invite contributions addressing improved solutions towards a more effective delivery of AECPGs from agriculture and forestry. That may include – but is not limited to – solutions that fit to the design of the CAP agro-environmental and climate schemes, the development of value chains, and land tenure contracts. Contributions shedding light on one or more of the following topics are welcome:

  • operationalisation of new incentive and/or regulation pathways towards improved AECPG provision,
  • acceptability and feasibility of improved contract solutions such as result-based and value chain-based solutions, collective implementation, environmental land tenure contract solutions. In particular, also mixed solutions including one or more of the afore mentioned contract features are welcome,
  • attitudes and preferences of farmers towards the design of innovative contracts.

The contributions may cover case study research as well as more analytical studies, stakeholder surveys, as well as modelling approaches from which lessons for policymakers should be retrieved. Lessons learned should be explicitly addressed in the contributions.


Additional information for the authors

We would like to invite you to submit your paper for a special issue of BAE.

If you are interested, please submit to the Journal using the standard procedure from the BAE web page (Bio-based and Applied Economics ( specifying that the paper is proposed for the “New pathways for an improved delivery of public goods from agriculture and forestry” special issue.

The submission deadline for the journal in order to be considered for the special issue is November 30, 2022.

For any additional information or clarification, do not hesitate to contact Meri Raggi ( or Stefano Targetti (


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