Deadline 22 Sep 2019

[CLOSED] Landscape protection, management and planning: reasons, practices and outcomes – Issue 2/2019

In the twentieth anniversary of the signature of the European Landscape Convention, Ri-Vista intends to focus on some of its keywords that are particular meaningful in the perspective of thelandscape project.

In the twentieth anniversary of the signature of the European Landscape Convention, Ri-Vista intends to focus on some of its keywords that are particular meaningful in the perspective of thelandscape project.

As a first step, the present THEMATIC CALL for the issue 2|2019 — now open with deadline 22 September, 2019 — aims to receive submissions of papers on the topic of LANDSCAPE PROTECTION, MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING: REASONS, PRACTICES AND OUTCOMES.

The landscape concept is usually intended as synthesis and integration of perceptions, values, and disciplines. But, on the contrary, in the social discourse it is often a battlefield of conflictual visions, aspirations, professions, and actors of the territorial governance. Different actions and policies on landscape (in the fields of protection, management and planning) reflect in various ways both integration efforts and conflicts.

The issue 2|2019 builds upon the relationship between the societal demand for the protection/ management/planning of the landscape, and the technical activities they requires within a determined normative and procedural framework (heritage designation, planning regulation, assessment procedures, and such), addressing national cases as well as the international debate. The match between technical instruments and societal demands can be better addressed by a wider perspective on different tools and ways for taking care of the landscape by administrations and citizens. The relationship between protection and enhancement, the management and the planning perspective, as well as the role of private stakeholders, cannot be neglected.

This issue invites in particular to reason about protection as it emerges since its proposal, the formal shape it takes, the technical activities which implement it, their outcomes, the possibilities for creative design and intervention.

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