deadline for submissions: October 1st, 2019
«Diciottesimo secolo» is the official international open access journal of the Società Italiana di Studi sul Secolo XVIII (SISSD). It is committed to hosting critical debates covering a full range of eighteenth century subjects: from literature to history, from law to religion, from philosophy to science, from anthropology to the fine arts, from linguistics to ethics, from theatre to music. It is also intended as an instrument for providing updated information about current Italian research in eighteenth-century studies.
Published annually and double blind peer reviewed, the journal is divided into three sections: “Essays”, “Critical Notes” and “Reviews”.
The release of the fifth issue is scheduled for May 2020. The call for paper is open. The deadline for submission of articles is October 1st, 2019.
The length of the articles should not exceed the following numbers of characters (including spaces and footnotes): 50,000 “Essays”; 25,000 “Critical Notes”; 10,000 “Reviews”.
We welcome papers in Italian, English and French. Papers must be sent – along with a short CV, an abstract in English (max 600 characters, spaces included) and five keywords in English – to the following address: