Such papers are therefore intended as totally independent of the topic dealt with in each monographic issue, and may be sent to the editorial staff at any time regardless of the deadlines connected to each thematic call for papers. They can either be of a general theoretical nature – providing hints aimed at orienting the reflection on territorial sciences – or describe methodological, operational or substantial advances contained in specific research or application experiences. Papers should be maximum 30,000 characters (including spaces, about 4,300 words) in length, and must strictly comply with the journal’s editorial standards, downloadable at They will undergo the usual peer review process in double blind and, in case of acceptance, will be immediately published (‘online first’) in a dedicated section of the journal’s website (, then inserted in the appropriate section of the first available issue due out after acceptance. The papers – complete in each part – must be sent via e-mail only to the following address:
Per ogni ulteriori informazione / for any further information: